Uppum Pulim Thirumiyathu (spicy Tamarind Chutney)

This recipe is a good combination of four prime tastes; sour, spicy, salty and sweet. This simple recipe is taught to me by my grandmother who used to serve me with this chutney along with rice, when I used to come from the school.

Uppum pulim thirumiyathu (Spicy tamarind chutney)
Salt- as you need
Tamarind- a small lemon sized ball
Red chilli-4nos
Small onion-5nos
Oil-2 table spoon
Water-3 table spoon (optional)
Switch on the stove and place a pan on the stove.
Add oil into the pan and heat it.
When the oil gets heated up, fry red chilli till it reaches dark brown or black colour.
Then remove the red chilli and in the same oil, fry the whole small onion without chopping it.
When it turns golden brown, remove it from flame.
Then in a bowl or blender, blend together the fried red chilli, fried onions, salt, tamarind and the oil (in which onion and red chilli is fried).
If you want, you can add water also.
For best result, knead it with your hand so that everything gets mixed well.
Your chutney is ready.
You can replace red chilli with green chilli. In that case no need to fry the green chilli.
Allow oil to cool down completely before blending it.