Homemade Crispy Pepper Kela Wafers
As a kid, I always use to follow my Elder sister. She was my Ideal and I used to copy her in almost everything like clothing, preference for food, music, and even T.V. programs. Banana chips was one of her favourite and mine too…. We used to stay in Old Delhi and the local shops used to sell only Potato chips. My sister's best friend in school was from Bangalore and she used to bring banana chips with her while coming back after holidays and this was the only way to get banana chips. I guess it was for this reason, we used to crave for it. Later as we grew up and went to college this craze for chips was lost but even today when I eat Banana chips, I feel nostalgic. Now we easily get Banana chips in Food stores at super markets but just to recall my old days, I often make it at home and share it with my sister. Today I am sharing this secret with you