Lau Saager Chorchori (tender Bottle Gourd Leaves Fried With Spices)
The word ‘ Chorchori’ in Bengali means ‘fried vegetables’ and any Bengali meal is incomplete without a chochori. Usually it is vegetarian like ‘Kumro chorchori’(Pumpkin fry) , Aloo chochori (Potato fry) or ‘ Dharos chorchori’(Lady’s finger fry) but sometimes prawn or tiny fish is added to enhance the taste. Lau Saager chorchori is one of such traditional Bengali delicacy. Many of you may be surprised to know that it is actually a recipe which is cooked out of availability rather choice. Lau (Bottle gourd) creepers are very common in Bengali households especially in villages. While Lau (Bottle gourd) is cooked as vegetable, the leaves and tender stem left behind is consumed as ‘Chorchori’. This recipe is a good idea to include more greens and fibre in your food. If you do not find Lau creepers, you can substitute them with Poi saag (Pohi greens).